Falex-MCTT- Universal Analytical Technology China
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Product information
Category:Industrial Tribology
Method Standard:ASTM D3702,ASTM G99
Application:Evaluation of friction, wear, and abrasion characteristics of materials, coatings, and lubricants.
Description Standard Test Methods

The Falex MCTT is a versatile system for the evaluation of friction, wear, and abrasion characteristics of materials, coatings, and lubricants. This single system accommodates an ever-increasing number of test geometries and conditions. The FALEX MCTT allows investigations into a wide variety of materials, coatings and lubricants for wear rates, PV limits and determinations of static and dynamic coefficients of friction. The flexibility of controlled contact geometries, specimen materials, speed, pressures, temperatures, and motion make it one test apparatus that can meet many commercial and military test specifications and simulate the broadest range of field applications.


» Research & Development

» Quality Control

» Product Qualification

» Performance Characteristics

» Material Evaluation

» Polymers

» Lubricants

» Coatings

» Surface Treatments

» Dry Films

ASTM D3702

Standard Test for Wear Rate and Coefficient of Friction in Self-Lubricated Rubbing Contact Using a Thrust washer Testing Machine


Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin on Disk Apparatus


Standard Test Method for Predicting Coefficient of Friction and Wear Properties of Hydraulic Fluids Using a Cyclic Stress Vane Apparatus


Drive System

(30-3600 RPM Standard)

Computer controlled servo motor (equivalent to 2 Hp) with ± 0.5% accuracy (full scale) configured for 220 V, Single Phase, 50 or 60 cycle operation.

The motor drives the upper vertical shaft while the lower vertical shaft is held stationary by the Torque Measurement System.

Drive System


Pulley configurations are available for speed ranges 15 to 1800 rpm and 60 to 3600 rpm.

The optional Reversible Drive provides Oscillatory Motion Control from 5° to 720° (angle of motion dependent on test speeds and loads).


Standard Systems provide fluid and test specimen initial temperature set point (ambient to 150°C) using liquid or dry environments.

Temperature Control

Standard Systems provide test table heaters (ambient to 150°C) for liquid and dry test environments.

Automated Test Temperature System with computer control.

User defined parameters for test temperature ramping rates, soaking times, and test cycle control. User programmable test alarms and shutdown levels.

Optional Accessories expand operating temperatures from ambient to 200°C with Heater Cups and Heating and/or Cooling Recirculating systems.

Friction Measurement

The lower shaft transmits a signal through a load cell for determining torque. The Standard System includes a 0 to 100 lb. Load Cell. The Falex SoftWEAR™ records and displays the test torque data and calculates a real-time Coefficient of Friction. User programmable test alarms and abort levels.

An Optional Low Range Load Cell (0 to 10 lbs.) is available for low range test torque measurements.

Wear Measurement

Dynamic Digital Wear Measurement System records and displays the real-time test system wear displacement. User programmable test alarms and abort levels.

Test Duration

Standard Systems include user defined alarms and abort levels for test time (H:MM: SS) and test cycles (shaft revolutions).

Utility Requirements

Power: 220 Volts, 60 cycle/50 cycle, single phase.

Pneumatics: 80 psig (5.5 bar) clean, dry air required for pneumatic load systems.

Space Requirements

20 in. (L) x 28 in. (D) x 36 in. (H)

0.6 m (L) x 0.7 m (D) x 1 m (H)